
End of support of older PHP versions

SiMan CMS 1.6.25 will be the last version to support PHP 5.6-7.3.

All new versions will require PHP 7.4+.


Deprecated items in SiMan CMS 1.6.19

Class TDashBoard is deprecated and shouldn't be used in next releases. Please include it in your modules code. Siman CMS 1.6.19 is last version to support that code.

TGrid, TForm, TButtons, TPanel, TTabs, TNavigation will be moved to \SM\UI\ namespace without T-prefix. T-classes will be aliases for at least one minor release.


Deprecated and discontinued items in SiMan CMS 1.6.13/1.6.14

SiMan CMS 1.6.13 will be the last version supported of these code:

  • TForm::AddSelectSQL
  • TQuery $execute parameter for Insert, Update and Remove methods will be removed and should be replaced to TQuery::SQLGenerationModeOn

Will be removed in 1.6.14:

  • TBoardMessages class.
  • Tabs in TForm (all methods and properties related to tabs).
  • $_msgbox dialog.
  • TForm parameters adminform_updates_nllist, adminform_files_nllist.


Deprecated items in SiMan CMS 1.6.10

Find method of TQuery is deprecated and should be replaced to TotalCount.

LoadValues method of TForm is deprecated and should be replaced to LoadValuesArray with preloaded data.

Function sm_change_url_param will be completely removed and should be replaced to sm_url.

SiMan CMS 1.6.10 will be the last version supported of these code.


Deprecated items in SiMan CMS 1.6.9

Old-style event listeners event_EVENTNAME_MODULENAME deprecated and should be replaced to sm_event_handler construction as soon as possible.

TGrid method OneLine deprecated and should be replaced to SingleLineLabel. 

TGrid::AddCol parameter to_menu and its usage should be removed and replaced to using TGrid::AddMenuInsert.

Function database_db_query will be completely removed.

SiMan CMS 1.6.9 will be the last version supported of these code.


SQLite support announced

We are pleased to announce core level SQLite support in the release 1.6.5 of SiMan CMS. It will allow to use all powerfull features and tools of SiMan CMS hosted in embedded systems, tablets and other devices not supported by MySQL.

Check it out soon!


SiMan CMS 1.6.4 announcement

We are finishing works on a new version of SiMan CMS.

SiMan CMS 1.6.4 pretends to be even more stable and faster than SiMan CMS 1.6.3.

We are working on better UX too!